It takes a whole village to raise a child is probably one of the most wide spread and well known African proverbs out there. But what does it really mean? Of course we know that parents as primary guardians can only influence our world view to a certain extent. Our social environment and cultural surrounding equally shape our world view. So what happens to people who move from city to city as a “modern” global citizen? Will you even have a single relative in your surrounding? What about our parents or grandparents who left their country of origin many years ago?
How did Waistbeads Berlin come to be, who are the queens behind the scenes and what is the vision for our brand? Read this blog post to find a few gems that these sisters' keepers are dropping for all the queens joining the queendom.
Find out how waist beads are worn in Zambia and how urbanisation has influenced traditions. Are our customs in which we celebrate waist beads changing?